Introducing: Tassomai’s Live Lessons!

Tassomai usage data helps us to paint a picture of an individual student’s understanding. When that usage data is looked at as a whole, we can see which topics entire cohorts are struggling with.

We want to use this insight to help KS4 students prepare for their GCSEs by running a series of virtual revision sessions over the Easter holidays, focusing on the topics that we know our users are finding tricky.

Revision help over the Easter holidays

We plan to trial our free “Live Lesson” concept over the Easter holidays, and already have some brilliant Tassomai teachers involved.

Our science, English and maths teachers will present 45-minute Zoom based lessons on a topic they are particularly confident in teaching and that we know students tend to struggle with based on Tassomai data. 

If there is sufficient interest from students and their parents we want to run lots more Live Lessons in the future!

We will be sending out updates on Live Lesson schedules through Parent Reports over the next few weeks to those parents who are registered to receive them. Schools using Tassomai are also encouraged to share details of the sessions with students and their parents.

Live Lesson Schedule for Easter

Click the links to register!

Note all sessions will start at 4pm

Week One:



Atomic Structure - Mass Number, Atomic Number and Isotopes 


English literature

Macbeth - Characters - Macduff



Genetics - Meiosis

Week Two:



Direct and Inverse Proportion


English language

Non-Fiction Texts - Audience and Purpose



Chemical Changes - Acid Reactions & Their Products 

Week Three:



Forces & Elasticity


English literature

An Inspector Calls - Plot - Acts 2 and 3



The Heart & Blood Vessels


How many Live Lessons are you planning for the Easter trial?

It depends on the amount of interest we get from students and parents, but we are starting with a few topics per subject initially, with 9 sessions in total over a 3 week period in April. This will be a fairly small scale trial to help us assess interest and refine our approach.

What subjects will you cover?

We plan to cover topics from each of the core subjects Tassomai is used for in schools: physics, biology, chemistry, English literature, English language and maths. Note the target audience is students in year 11, revising for their GCSEs this summer.

Who will be teaching the lessons?

All of the sessions will be taught by teachers who currently use Tassomai in their schools. As these first lessons are being run as a trial, we would welcome any feedback from students and parents about individual sessions, teachers and their styles.

How many students will be taking part and will there be any interaction?

These sessions will be set up like webinars, so the attendees will not be visible on camera or able to contribute by audio. Any interaction will be through polls and the Q&A function, this means we can potentially have quite a large number of attendees without lessons being interrupted.

How many places are there in each lesson?

Our Zoom webinars have capacity for 500 students, but if we exceed this number it may mean that some students may be unable to login to the session. In this unlikely event, we will share a recording with you after the lesson has ended.

Are the lessons free for students?

Yes, these sessions will be open to all students and there won’t be any payment involved. We won’t be restricting them to Tassomai users, but we will be promoting them specifically to our users, not to a wider audience.

How will the lessons be run and what equipment will students need?

The sessions will be remote, so students will need a reliable internet connection and a suitable device. The lessons will be hosted on Zoom and someone from Tassomai will be involved in each session providing technical support and moderating the Q&A. Make sure you register for each session to ensure you are sent the correct Zoom link and reminders.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us by emailing