A major ‘Mai’llstone’ for Tassomai’s AI-tutor!

It’s a year since Tassomai launched an AI-powered tutor, initially trialling ‘Mai’ with a handful of schools over the 2023 Autumn term, then rolling Mai out to all schools in January 2024.

To mark this major ‘Mai’llstone’ we’re sharing some facts about Mai, and an update from our team on what’s next for Mai.

Mai, AI tutor is one year old

3 things you may not know about Mai…

  • As well as helping students when they’re stuck on a quiz question Mai can also explain an incorrect answer, thanks to the addition of the ‘Mai Explains’ feature.

  • Due to the extra cost to Tassomai of providing access to an AI-tutor, we limit school users to 4 interactions with Mai each week, however students are rewarded with extra Mai credits if they share constructive feedback on Mai’s responses through the in-app reporting tools.

  • Parents of students who get Tassomai through schools also have the option of subscribing to ‘Mai Unlimited’ which lets learners interact with Mai as often as they want for less than £1 a week. This contribution helps to cover the cost of providing the service.

What do students think of Mai?

In our end of year survey, Mai was one of the most commented on Tassomai features. Most comments about Mai were positive, although students had mixed opinions on Mai’s attempts at humour… Some love Mai’s fun facts and quips, others want Mai to get straight to the point!

Here’s a few comments about Mai…

“I love how Tassomai has added something to talk you through the work when you’re struggling.”
- Y9 student, The Stonehenge School

“Whenever i need help on a question the AI bot Mai ,explains it in a very simple and easy way to help you understand.”
- Y8 student, Queensmead

“I especially loved the help I would receive from the little help bot that would break down the question for me and help guide me to the correct answer.”
- Y11 student, Valentines High School

Lots of students said they wanted to use Mai more than 4 times a week and many weren’t aware of the option of upgrading to Mai Unlimited.

What Mai-ght come next!

We believe there’s huge potential to use AI to support teaching and learning and we’re always looking into new ways of developing Mai.

An idea we’re exploring at the moment is integrating ‘Mai Explains’ content with the Tree, so that students can click on their leaves to view explanations.

We’re also looking at how to make the ‘fun-facts’ more accessible to those students who want them and we’re considering a ‘Mai-resources’ area for students to store helpful conversations and explanations.

Get involved!

We love to hear feedback and ideas from our users, so if you’ve had one of the 850,000+ chats with Mai (so far) and you’ve got something to say, send us a comment via the form below!