Retrieval practice for GCSE computer science

Tassomai’s KS4 computer science content covers major topics, like algorithms and networks, with questions adapted to each individual student.

✔ Included in school packages and private subscriptions for Y9-11

Quality content created in partnership with computer science teachers

✔ For AQA and OCR exam-boards

Tassomai covers computer science and other subjects

“Computer science is very theory based and a lot of the exam questions are between 1-4 marks, which means that the content really lends itself to short answer questions, like Tassomai’s format.”

- Donna Robertson, IT & CS lead, Harrow Way Community School

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Explore our computer science content

Click through some multiple choice quiz questions for KS4 computer science, and see how students can get help from Mai, our AI tutor.

See how tools like the Tree are used to identify learning gaps and show a learner’s knowledge growing.

  • ✔ Fundamentals of Algorithms
    ✔ Programming
    ✔ Fundamentals of Data Representation
    ✔ Computer Systems
    ✔ Fundamentals of Computer Networks
    ✔ Cyber Security
    ✔ Relational Databases and Structured Query Language (SQL)
    ✔ Ethical, Legal and Environmental Impacts

  • ✔ Systems Architecture
    ✔ Memory & Storage
    ✔ Networks, Connections & Protocols
    ✔ Network Security
    ✔ Systems Software
    ✔ Impacts of Digital Technology
    ✔ Algorithms
    ✔ Programming Fundamentals
    ✔ Producing Robust Programs
    ✔ Boolean Logic
    ✔ Programming Languages & IDEs

  • Teachers have detailed oversight on their students’ activity and the ability to set homework and manage settings and topics through their Teacher Dashboards.

    The Understanding Grid, a self-populating Personal Learning Checklist, uses the same data set as The Tree. At a glance, teachers can spot knowledge gaps at an individual or whole class level, saving valuable teaching time and enabling them to rapidly target interventions.

    Learn about Tassomai in schools.

  • Parents and guardians get a weekly email report and access to their own Parent Dashboard where they can follow their child’s progress and view their Trees.

    The Parent Dashboard shows how many Daily Goals have been completed and in which subjects. Parents can also view learning resources (videos or articles) recommended specifically for their child to aid progress.

    Learn more about Tassomai for families who have access through schools and for private subscribers.


Feedback from computer science teachers

We are grateful to the educators who helped us with the development of the computer science course, providing input into content and course structure, here are some of their comments:

"A great way to tailor the learning and retrieval for students as it is designed to adapt to the students needs and also push them onto that next level."

"A computer science app where actual teachers have had an input! Shaping the questions, keeping it up to date and making sure it is fit for purpose."

"Such an easy tool to navigate for students and teachers. With instant feedback and a tree of growth to show progression."

"Great tool for homework and recall, leaving more time in the classroom for content delivery."

"Gives students a sense of ownership as the more they do the better the reward"

We would also like to thank the computer science teachers and students who trialled the new material over the course of the 22/23 Autumn term.

Try Tassomai for GCSE computer science

The best way to get to know Tassomai’s computer science content is to try it for yourself. Schools and families can both trial our award-winning content for FREE!

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