Tassomai Essentials 3:

The Settings Page

There are a variety of ways you can customise how your students experience Tassomai. To do this, you need to select the class you want and choose “settings” along the top of the screen. There, you will see several different options, which this page covers in detail.

Manage Lesson Plan

By default, your students have access to all of their content. This means they are likely to encounter topics on Tassomai which they have not yet covered in class; this is part of Tassomai’s design, as it allows them to benefit from flipped learning.

“It’s the best flipped learning I’ve ever seen” - David Back, Deputy Headteacher at James Hornsby School

If you’d rather students don’t see topics which they haven’t been taught yet, you can change this here. All you have to do is uncheck the topics which you’d rather Tassomai didn’t show them, and they’ll be paused. You can also pause sub-topics - just click on the arrow next to a topic name to expand it, as shown below.

For KS4 science, each topic directly matches the specification, and for KS3 subjects the topics are grouped into areas of understanding.

N.B. Make sure you remember to unpause topics after teaching them, or your students will not be tested on them!


When students login to Tassomai, they are shown a personalised selection of quizzes that focus on the areas the student is struggling in the most. If a student wants to choose to do a quiz on a different topic, they do this via the ‘Topics’ tab, but they need to complete their Daily Goal first (to benefit from the personalisation of the suggested quizzes).

Although we recommend that you keep this setting at it’s default, you do have the power to change this if you wish so that students can choose their own quizzes:

  • Always

  • After completing their daily goal (recommended and default)

  • Never

We suggest that this is not set to “always” except for when students are entering into exam season. This is because it prevents students from studying a variety of topics; in our experience, when students are able to take any quiz they want they will ignore the topics they struggle with and focus on the ones they consider to be “easy”. This means they can complete their daily goal while avoiding certain topics. It also interrupts the spacing and interleaving which is built into Tassomai.

We would also recommend that it is not set to “never” either; if a student has completed their daily goal, and then wants to focus on specific topics, there is no harm in this. By completing their daily goal via the suggested quizzes, they have benefitted from interleaving and spacing, while being unable to avoid difficult areas of the course.

Daily Goal Discounts

When daily goal discounts are turned on, a student who completes their daily goal is rewarded with a lower daily goal for the following day - this is to encourage them to login regularly, and to consistently complete their daily goal.

The only situation where a student will not see a benefit from completing their daily goal is if they have already completed 7 in a row, since they are already at the minimum daily goal possible. However, if they don’t complete the 8th daily goal, they will see their daily goal begin to rise again!

Settings that students can customise

Whether they're using Tassomai on a PC or via our mobile app, students can customise their account by...