How does Tassomai work? — Tassomai
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How Tassomai works

Discover the smartest way to learn and revise

Schools and parents across the country choose Tassomai to help children learn more effectively, build knowledge and get their best possible exam results.

Phone with question mark on screen

1. Investigating

We start by analysing a subject, down to the finest level of detail…

knowledge turned into a quiz question

2. Creating

… turning everything a learner needs to know into quiz questions that teach as well as test.


3. Discovering

Every question answered helps us build up a detailed knowledge profile, painting a picture of that child’s understanding.

4. Personalising

Our intelligent algorithm works out what a student knows and what they don’t, continually adapting the content for each learner.

5. Supporting

Sometimes we’ll suggest a short tutorial video or link, offered at just the right time, and designed to supplement learning in a particular topic.

Tassomai keeps learning

6. Evolving

Tassomai keeps learning, discovering more about what a student understands (and what they don’t) with every single interaction.

tassomai on phone

7. Reinforcing

Students learn through daily practice, with quizzes shown at the optimum time for each learner and repeated occasionally to check that knowledge has been retained.

kids get better grades

8. Celebrating!

By using Tassomai, a student’s knowledge, understanding and confidence builds until they master the subject, helping them achieve their best possible results.


9. Empowering

When schools use Tassomai, they can use the program’s powerful data and insight to help individual students and to plan lessons.


10. Reassuring

Parents can also see how their children are getting on, where they’re doing well, and where they might need a little help.

Tassomai organises a student’s daily routine for them

Sometimes the hardest part about studying is working out where to start!

Tassomai makes it easier to learn and revise, at home, at school or on the move. Students just need to log in and start answering quizzes; the intelligent algorithm prioritises the right topics and ensures everything gets the attention it needs.

Tassomai daily goal image

Tassomai is designed to motivate and reward learners

A student’s aim each day is simply to complete the daily goals in each of the subjects they’re using Tassomai for, by hitting their target of correct questions.

Familiar techniques from gaming incentivise regular usage, rewarding and motivating students, helping to build sustainable learning habits.

Tassomai points image

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