Help your students to view geography differently

Ignite lesson engagement & motivate students to achieve top grades in their GCSEs and beyond through aspiration!

Download our FREE guide where we show students how a solid foundation in geography can open the doors to diverse global career opportunities in the future.

Together let’s be the catalyst that inspires the next generation that will help protect and save our planet.

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Careers guide meets classroom learning to create better outcomes


Inside our FREE guide your students will learn about: 

  • Emerging and fast-growing industries

  • The endless career opportunities available

  • How geography is protecting and saving our planet

  • Breaking down stereotypes within the sector 

  • Inspiring figures who have shaped the world 

  • Is a career in geography for them?

  • How to pursue a career in geography - where do they start?

Map reading
Teacher and students

From protecting animals and communities to helping our planet combat climate change, geography reaches every corner of our planet.

But for many GCSE students, it can be hard to understand how learning about the ‘effects of a tectonic hazard’ has any purpose beyond the classroom walls or in life after exams.

At Tassomai, we understand the world-changing importance of geography, and we love hearing how students light up when they understand a key topic. We also love having conversations with students about the doors that open when you have a solid foundation in geography.

That’s why we’ve created this free guide to outline the movers and shakers in the geography industry, a range of career paths available, insight into emerging sectors, and much, much more!

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Complete the form below to download your FREE guide!

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