From exploring space to saving lives, science reaches every corner of our galaxy.
But for many GCSE students, it can be hard to understand how ‘the structure of a wave’ has any purpose beyond the classroom walls or in life after exams.
At Tassomai, we understand the magic of science, and we love hearing how students light up when they understand a key topic. We also love having conversations with students about the doors that open when you have a solid foundation in science.
That’s why we’ve created this free guide to outline the movers and shakers in the science industry, a range of career paths available, insight into emerging sectors, and much, much more!
So if you’re looking to ignite curiosity in science, to motivate your students toward the GCSE exams and beyond, our free ‘careers in science’ guide is for you!
Together let’s be the catalyst that inspires the next generation of scientists, engineers and innovators who could change the world around us.