Live Lessons

Free group tuition for science, English, maths, history and geography

“Live Lessons” are FREE online tutoring and revision sessions for GCSE students, taught by teachers from schools that use Tassomai.

The topics covered are ones that we know, through analysis of Tassomai usage data, that a lot of students find tricky.

View the upcoming schedule or watch a recording of a recent Live Lesson below.

Live Lessons teacher
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Accessible to all learners

Any student can join a Tassomai Live Lesson, attendees don’t have to be Tassomai users.

  • Lessons are taught over Zoom, and typically run for 45 minutes with time for Q&A at the end.

  • Student interaction is via polls and the Q&A chat function, attendees are not visible on screen.

Live Lesson screenshot

Supported by our teacher and parent community

An enthusiastic group of Tassomai teachers plan and host our Live Lessons.

  • If you are a Tassomai teacher who would be interested in teaching a Live Lesson, talk to your Customer Success Manager.

  • Parents of Tassomai users are told about Live Lessons via our weekly progress emails.

    My son did the biology lesson last week and said it was really helpful - he even took notes which is almost unheard of. I have signed him up for all the other lessons.
    - Parent feedback

Upcoming Live Lessons

Ahead of the GCSE exams, our Live Lessons cover topics across English, maths and the sciences. These lessons are free to all students, whether you use Tassomai or not.

There are none currently scheduled but keep an eye here and on our socials for the next set of lessons.

The Live Lessons library

Tassomai’s full archive of 100+ previous Live Lessons is accessible to all private subscribing families, and to families who get Tassomai through schools if they’re members of our Parent Club.

The Live Lessons library primarily contains recordings of lessons aimed at students preparing / revising for GCSEs, but it also includes some content for younger learners.

Rewatch recent Live Lessons from the February Half Term:


New to Tassomai?

Find out more about packages for schools and private subscriptions for families, or read our info for students.