Pupil Premium Boost

Information about Tassomai’s ‘Pupil Premium Boost’ programme

This page contains information that’s primarily for teachers - but is also relevant to parents and students - whose schools are participating in Tassomai’s Pupil Premium Boost programme.

What is Pupil Premium Boost?

Pupil Premium Boost (PPB) is a differentiated intervention for Pupil Premium students that’s been shown to boost Tassomai course progress by up to 45%.

This new intervention was trialled in 20 Tassomai-using schools in the 23/24 school year and is being introduced into more schools in 24/25.

On average, Pupil Premium students don’t perform as well as their peers academically. Tassomai’s PPB intervention aims to help schools close the attainment gap by ensuring all Pupil Premium students have access to our additional learning features at no extra cost.

The trial results

The initial trial results showed a profound impact on progress, with Pupil Premium students on the trial making around:

  • 35% more progress than their non-PP peers

  • 45% more progress than their PP counterparts at schools who were not participating in the trial

This emerging trend appears consistent across cohorts, subjects and schools.

Tassomai’s Pupil Premium Boost trial results

How does Pupil Premium Boost work?

All families who access Tassomai through schools have the option to boost a learner’s Tassomai account by:

  • Adding extra Tassomai subjects, in addition to those used by the school

  • Adding weekly Leapfrog Sessions - personalised catch up sessions delivered through Tassomai’s app

  • Adding unlimited ‘in-app’ support from Mai, Tassomai’s AI-powered tutor

There’s a low-price monthly subscription for adding these features which covers the additional cost to Tassomai of developing and delivering these services.

When a school takes part in the PPB programme, students identified as ‘Pupil Premium’ automatically get Leapfrog Sessions and unlimited support from Mai at no additional cost to their parents or the school.

Educational equality is important to us and PPB is our way of ensuring that those families who are least likely to be able to afford to upgrade are not disadvantaged.

What do teachers, students and parents need to do if their school is signed up to PPB?

When schools are signed up to PPB, our team will work with the TassoChamp (our main school contact) to work out which students are eligible. Once set-up is complete, no further action is needed and any students with PPB access will automatically get weekly Leapfrog Sessions and unlimited access to Mai.

We do recommend that TassoChamps share this page with relevant teachers and their RSL to ensure their colleagues are aware of the programme. Some schools may also want to inform parents and share this information with them too.


  • Initially we are prioritising setting up those schools who renewed and expressed interest in PPB at the end of the 23/24 school year.

    Our intention is to roll out this program to more schools in 24/25, though this will be subject to a waiting list while we manage demand and evaluate our own costs. Schools with high engagement levels will be prioritised as students at schools with good Tassomai usage are likely to benefit most from this intervention.

    Talk to your Customer Success Manager or our admin team to express your interest.

  • All families who get Tassomai through schools have the option of adding weekly Leapfrog Sessions and unlimited access to our AI tutor, for a low-price monthly subscription. They can also add additional subjects.

    Our website has detailed information for families who access Tassomai through schools, including details of boost options, costs and how to sign up.

    Please share this URL with parents: www.tassomai.com/school-parents

  • No, they would need to pay the £2.99 per month subscription, but they would get Leapfrog Sessions and unlimited access to Mai in all their additional subjects for free.

    Read more about Extra Subjects here.

  • Pupil Premium is an allocation of funding from the Government that is given separately to the main school budget. The government provides this money to help schools address underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers. There are some additional groups that receive Pupil Premium funding such as children with parents in the armed forces.

    Read more about Pupil Premium on Gov.uk

Read more about Pupil Premium Boost

Education Today Magazine features an article written by Tassomai’s founder Murray Morrison about Pupil Premium Boost.

“As educators are well aware, interventions that make a real difference specifically for the most disadvantaged students are very hard to come by. A tech product differentiated for Pupil Premium feels like a new chapter not only for us, but for the schools that seek to buy edtech.”

Read the full article here

Pupil Premium Boost from Tassomai