A testimonial from Nicky Crum, Science Improvement Lead for STAR Academies MAT

“In 2019, Star Academies were offered a Trust-wide trial of Tassomai across our 19 Secondary schools to enable our science teams to evaluate the many benefits that the program has to offer.” 


During the initial use of the program, our Year 10 students were invited to take part in a review of the program over a 6-week period to decide if this was a revision and homework tool which would be beneficial to them in supporting their learning journey in science. 

Staff were provided with both training and support via Chris and the Tassomai team in how to monitor the progress and set tasks for their students across their schools and at class and student level.   

Feedback at the end of the initial trial was incredibly positive from all schools, where our students stated that they felt that they were making better progress in science and staff reported a huge reduction in their workload in terms of setting and marking homework.

Tassomai has been a great success across all of our participating schools: 

  • From a Trust perspective and via a weekly report/leaderboard, it allows us to compare the usage and engagement across our schools. 

  • At a school level, Tassomai has allowed us to address gaps across groups of learners and to ensure individuals are making rapid and sustained progress and are retaining knowledge; we are able to ensure all of our learners are confident and well-supported in their science studies. 

  • We are able to provide accurate and up-to-date information to parents with a weekly report of progress about their child.

Tassomai has changed the way we support our learners across our Star schools. With our weekly school, class and student leaderboards and termly recognitions for success, our students actively engage with the program and strive for success. We have happy staff in our schools who now have additional time to plan excellent lessons instead of marking homework. 

If you’re a teacher and you’d like to learn more about Tassomai and chat to us about using it in your school, we’d love to hear from you.

The next step is to arrange a short demo, usually via screenshare, but sometimes in person. If you like what you see you can sign up straight away or take us up on our free 3 week trial. Either way we’ll help you get set-up and ensure your school gets the most out of Tassomai.