
Use our videos to introduce Tassomai to different audiences and to learn more about how the program works.

A good general overview…

This video gives a brief (2 minute) overview of Tassomai and it’s a good intro for everyone: teachers, students and their parents.

For students…

Show this to your students to explain what Tassomai is, how it works and why it will help them get better grades!

For teachers…

This video goes into more detail for teachers, exploring the data and insights provided by the program and your Teacher Dashboard.

For parents…

This video was made to promote Tassomai to private subscribers, however you may want to share it with the parents of your students to show them the impact that Tassomai can have on grades.


“How-to…” videos

Chris from our Customer Success team has also created some “How-to…” videos in answer to some of the most frequently asked questions from Tassomai teachers.

Here’s a video explaining how to use the Understanding Grid, one of Tassomai’s most powerful tools for teachers.


Tutorial videos on YouTube

Our YouTube channel also includes over 100 short Tassomai tutorial videos for science, English and maths, presented by Tassomai’s founder Murray and other team members.

Please encourage your students to take a look and to subscribe to our channel. These videos are free to access for all learners, not just Tassomai users.

(You can also read more about these videos and their impact on learning here)