Stickers - Christmas


Stickers are a fun way for Tassomai teachers to reward and motivate students for good usage of the program.

How they work:

  • Download our sticker templates and use them to print your own stickers at school.

  • Our sticker templates work with standard A4 sticker paper, 24 x 40mm stickers per page. Here is a link to buy suitable sticker paper on Amazon (it’s also available from many other suppliers!).

  • A zip file containing all of our sticker templates (including our Christmas reward stickers) can be downloaded by clicking the button below. We plan to release more stickers and always welcome feedback and suggestions from teachers to help us develop new ones. Please contact your Customer Success Manager or email us with any ideas.

Printing tip:

We’ve found that if you adjust your print settings by checking the “scale” option and changing it to 100% the stickers will print properly on the sticker paper.


Our stickers print on A4 sticker paper, 24 x 40mm stickers per page.

The zip file contains the 4 templates shown below:


Xmas sticker set… Use our Christmas themed reward stickers to motivate students this season!

These stickers can be used to reward students for good usage, accuracy and improvement.

These stickers relate to the percentage of Tassomai that a student has completed.

The colours of these stickers relate to the Tassomai “rainbow race” leaderboard. I’ve you’ve got our data drops set up you’ll know about this!


Parent Reports

Parent reports are weekly, personalised progress report emails that go out to parents and guardians every Monday. You can see an example of a parent report here.

Why they work:

From the weekly email, parents can click straight through to their Parent Dashboards to see how much work their child has done on Tassomai in each of their subjects, including how many Daily Goals they’ve completed. Via their dashboards, parents can also view their child’s Trees for each subject to see where their strengths and weaknesses are, and they can see recommend learning resources which they may want to review with their child.


Here’s what a Parent Dashboard looks like.


Want to tell parents about Tassomai and weekly parent reports? Share this page which contains information for parents whose children get Tassomai through schools.

Progress reports drive parental engagement

Parent reports mean that parents and carers can be more involved in their child’s learning, and they help with student buy-in by encouraging engagement from home. Parents reports are also the easiest way for parents to access their Parent Dashboards via the ‘instant access’ links that we share each week in the emails.

From their dashboards parents can control their settings and choose whether or not to receive additional information and offers from Tassomai, including the option to add extra Tassomai subjects to their child’s package at a heavily discounted rate, this is available only to parents who get Tassomai through schools.

Opted-in parents can also add weekly Leapfrog Sessions for their child and upgrade their access to our AI-powered tutor by signing up to Mai Unlimited. They will also get some additional ‘Parent Club’ benefits including exclusive webinar invitations, competitions and more.

There’s some information for school parents about Parent Club here.

How do I get Parent Reports set up?

We usually set up parent reports automatically using Wonde to connect with your school’s MIS system. If you haven’t received a Wonde request from us yet, get in touch

If your school is not using Wonde, we do have other ways of getting these set up (although they do involve a little bit more admin), so just let us know and we can talk you through it. 

Once parent reports have been set up, parents / guardians will get a welcome email like this.


Q. Who gets a Parent Report email?

A. By default, only the primary parent/carer listed on a school’s MIS will receive our weekly emails.

Q. Does the parent/carer need to create an account to get weekly emails and / or access their Parent Dashboards?

A. No, the initial welcome email and subsequent weekly emails are triggered by Tassomai integrating with your school’s MIS (with the school’s permission). Every email contains a personalised link that jumps straight to the Parent Dashboard for the relevant learner. Parents also have the option (once in their dashboards) to set up a password which will enable them to log in to their dashboard from our website whenever they want.

Q. What if parents/carers don’t want to receive weekly email reports?

A. Every email from us contains the option to unsubscribe from future email communications from Tassomai.


Competitions and Leaderboards

Competitions are a great way of getting students motivated and excited about Tassomai. Choose a metric and set a time frame, and let the student’s do the work! When it comes to the competition deadline, you can download the data from your teacher dashboard. 

Download our leaderboards below so you can display the names of the students’ that have worked hard - print them out and put them on the wall or post them to your school’s social media pages (or both!).



If your students need some extra motivation to do their Daily Goal, why not set up a TassoParty? Invite students to do Tassomai together at lunch or after school, and provide music and treats. 

Another nice idea is to download our TassoVouchers to give as prizes / rewards that students can earn for attending the TassoParty and completing their Daily Goal. Lots of schools use the vouchers to allow students to skip the lunch queue for each day they attend the TassoParty!



Why it works:

TassoTen is a great way of helping students to complete their Daily Goal - even if they don’t manage to complete this within the 10 minutes they have started to answer questions towards it which is often the hardest part.

How it works:

  • At the start of every Science lesson allow students to get out their phone and complete 10 minutes on Tassomai.

  • Once 10 minutes is up everyone must put away their phones and focus on the lesson.

  • If students finish their work early in a lesson then they can carry on with TassoTen and aim to finish their Daily Goal before the bell rings.

  • Remind students that they need to complete their Daily Goal if they haven’t managed to do so within the lesson.


Mystery Teacher

Want to see how Tassomai works for students and drum up some competition at the same time? Our ‘Mystery Teacher’ strategy involves creating an anonymous student account and challenging the students to beat your usage. 

Students love trying to beat their teacher at answering questions on Tassomai. The element of competition, as well as the oversight for teachers for how the program works, makes this is a great strategy with benefits for both the teacher and the student.

To create an account go to and enter your school’s unique code (you can find this on the bottom left corner of your teacher dashboard). You can then create a ‘student account’ and join a class. Note that you won’t be able to use an email that already exists on the system, but you can use a fake email as long as it’s in an email format.


Additional Groups

Why they work:

Having certain students in an additional group together, as well as in their classes, means that you can view their data together side-by-side. This is helpful for monitoring intervention groups, and pupil premium students, or for putting students into houses for house competitions.

How they work:

  • Ask your Customer Success Manager to set up additional groups for you, with a specific name if you have one in mind, e.g. the name of your school houses.

  • Your Customer Success Manager will set these up for you and provide instructions on how to find these on your dashboards and add students into these groups.



Rewards are a great way of ingraining Tassomai into your school culture and improving engagement. Award prizes for top users or run a house competition across all school years, and award students for their efforts.

How they work:

  • Download our certificates below and at the end of each half-term or term, award certificates to your Tassomai stars. These can be the students who have won competitions in class, or students who have performed particularly well on Tassomai.

  • Use our additional groups feature to put students into their houses on Tassomai as well as their classes. At the end of each term announce which house has completed the most daily goals or answered the most questions correctly or overall..