Parent Reports
Parent reports are weekly, personalised progress report emails that go out to parents and guardians every Monday. You can see an example of a parent report here.
Why they work:
From the weekly email, parents can click straight through to their Parent Dashboards to see how much work their child has done on Tassomai in each of their subjects, including how many Daily Goals they’ve completed. Via their dashboards, parents can also view their child’s Trees for each subject to see where their strengths and weaknesses are, and they can see recommend learning resources which they may want to review with their child.
Here’s what a Parent Dashboard looks like.
Want to tell parents about Tassomai and weekly parent reports? Share this page which contains information for parents whose children get Tassomai through schools.
Progress reports drive parental engagement
Parent reports mean that parents and carers can be more involved in their child’s learning, and they help with student buy-in by encouraging engagement from home. Parents reports are also the easiest way for parents to access their Parent Dashboards via the ‘instant access’ links that we share each week in the emails.
From their dashboards parents can control their settings and choose whether or not to receive additional information and offers from Tassomai, including the option to add extra Tassomai subjects to their child’s package at a heavily discounted rate, this is available only to parents who get Tassomai through schools.
Opted-in parents can also add weekly Leapfrog Sessions for their child and upgrade their access to our AI-powered tutor by signing up to Mai Unlimited. They will also get some additional ‘Parent Club’ benefits including exclusive webinar invitations, competitions and more.
There’s some information for school parents about Parent Club here.
How do I get Parent Reports set up?
We usually set up parent reports automatically using Wonde to connect with your school’s MIS system. If you haven’t received a Wonde request from us yet, get in touch.
If your school is not using Wonde, we do have other ways of getting these set up (although they do involve a little bit more admin), so just let us know and we can talk you through it.
Once parent reports have been set up, parents / guardians will get a welcome email like this.
Q. Who gets a Parent Report email?
A. By default, only the primary parent/carer listed on a school’s MIS will receive our weekly emails.
Q. Does the parent/carer need to create an account to get weekly emails and / or access their Parent Dashboards?
A. No, the initial welcome email and subsequent weekly emails are triggered by Tassomai integrating with your school’s MIS (with the school’s permission). Every email contains a personalised link that jumps straight to the Parent Dashboard for the relevant learner. Parents also have the option (once in their dashboards) to set up a password which will enable them to log in to their dashboard from our website whenever they want.
Q. What if parents/carers don’t want to receive weekly email reports?
A. Every email from us contains the option to unsubscribe from future email communications from Tassomai.