Welcome to Tassomai’s Teacher Hub

Keep an eye on the Teacher Hub for updates and announcements for Tassomai Teachers.

If you’re new to Tassomai the Hub has all the info you need to get started. It’s also the place to find out about new features and tips to help every teacher get the most from the program.


Don’t forget to bookmark this page!

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What’s new for Spring?

Apart from celebrating our EdTech 50 win (thank you if you voted for Tassomai) the team are working on some exciting new features which may just be completed before Easter. Meanwhile take a look at Mai Explains on the Tree and check out our new reporting features.

We are always interested in hearing feedback and ideas from teachers, these often feed into our plans for new features. If you have anything you’d like to share with us, please email admin@tassomai.com.

We’d also really appreciate it if you could rate and review us on TrustPilot, Google and any other review platforms.

Want to tell parents about Tassomai?
There’s a page on our website specifically for parents whose children access Tassomai through school.

Launching Tassomai with your students? Download our handy launch presentation and guide them through how to use Tassomai.
(Note there are different versions for schools using Wonde and for non-Wonde schools.)


Need-to-know content from Tassomai’s blog:

Meet Chris, your Customer Success Manager

Chris GunnerTalk to our Sales ManagerBook in a sales demoEmail Chris

“Check out my new how-to video showing you how to use Class Tasks! This new feature has had some big changes where we’ve incorporated all the feedback we’ve received from teachers. And if you need any help or advice about Class Tasks or anything else, don’t hesitate to get in touch.”

Chris is here to help you and your school achieve your goals with Tassomai.

Book a call to discuss renewals and implementation strategies to boost success, or book in a training call to learn how to use Tassomai and the data it provides.

Chris has also made a series of training videos to show you how to do some of the most common tasks we get asked about.

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Getting started - steps from the launch emails

These essentials cover all the key parts of how Tassomai works, and we’d recommend every teacher is familiar with them.


Launching Tassomai

Effectively launching Tassomai as early as possible is key to getting good usage. Find out how to effectively launch the program here! We’d recommend doing this asap.


Monitoring Usage

Find out how to keep track of whether or not your students are using the site. This covers how you select different groups of students and navigate around your dashboard.


Customising Settings

You can control various aspects of your students’ experience on Tassomai. Find out what the different settings do, how they’ll impact your students, and how to change them.


The Understanding Grid

Tassomai’s most powerful tool is a self-populating PLC grid.
Learn more about how it works, how it can save you time, and how it can be used for intervention strategies.



Use our videos to introduce Tassomai to different audiences and to learn more about how the program works.

A good general overview…

This video gives a brief (2 minute) overview of Tassomai and it’s a good intro for everyone: teachers, students and their parents.

For students…

Show this to your students to explain what Tassomai is, how it works and why it will help them get better grades!

For teachers…

This video goes into more detail for teachers, exploring the data and insights provided by the program and your Teacher Dashboard.

For parents…

This video was made to promote Tassomai to private subscribers, however you may want to share it with the parents of your students to show them the impact that Tassomai can have on grades.


“How-to…” videos

Chris from our Customer Success team has also created some “How-to…” videos in answer to some of the most frequently asked questions from Tassomai teachers.

Here’s a video explaining how to use the Understanding Grid, one of Tassomai’s most powerful tools for teachers.


Tutorial videos on YouTube

Our YouTube channel also includes over 100 short Tassomai tutorial videos for science, English and maths, presented by Tassomai’s founder Murray and other team members.

Please encourage your students to take a look and to subscribe to our channel. These videos are free to access for all learners, not just Tassomai users.

(You can also read more about these videos and their impact on learning here)



These strategies have been tried and tested in Tassomai’s best-performing schools. Book in a call with your Customer Success Manager to find which of these will work best in your school!

Stickers are a great way to reward and motivate your students for good usage of the program.


School parents receive weekly progress reports by email on their child’s performance!


Use leaderboards to generate competition between students, increasing engagement.


Have a “TassoParty” where you provide treats and students complete their daily goals.


Start each lesson with ten minutes of dedicated Tassomai time to get students going.


Get your customer success manager to set up additional groups, such as houses or tutor groups.


Award prizes for the top users in assemblies, and run house competitions.


Set up a “Mystery Teacher” account which your students need to compete against!

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 Posters and other Downloads

Posters, leaderboards, certificates, vouchers and praise postcards

Science careers guide poster

Science careers guide poster in 3 size formats A4, A3, A2. QR code on poster downloads careers guide to device.

Maths careers guide poster in 3 size formats A4, A3, A2. QR code on poster downloads careers guide to device.

English careers guide poster

English careers guide poster in 3 size formats A4, A3, A2. QR code on poster downloads careers guide to device.

Geography careers guide poster

Geography careers guide poster in 3 size formats A4, A3, A2. QR code on poster downloads careers guide to device.

History careers guide poster

History careers guide poster in 3 size formats A4, A3, A2. QR code on poster downloads careers guide to device.


Tassomai logos & images

Download logos and images to use as and where you please on your website, social media or in print.

Each link downloads a Zip file containing the Tassomai logo and target icon in various formats.

Standard logo:


White version of logo:


Badge for social media:
